
Alarmed by the appearance of white spots on our younger son's face and on both his elbows and knees, we took him to a dermatologist one Saturday morning. The doc's diagnosis was fungal infection.

Little man: (On our way home) Mom, I noticed something.

 Me: What is it?

Little man: I think my skin doctor has fungi, too.

Me: Why did you say that?

Little man: Because I saw her scratching.

Me:  Where?

Little man: Inside the pocket of her white jacket.

Me: (Amused) Oh, her pocket must have fungi. It was itching for our payment. Hi,hi.

Little man: I told you, she has fungi infection, too. (then belted out, ala Whitney Houston)

                 Fungiiiiiiiii... yay,yay..... will always love you...oh,oh...